Perspektiven für die Welt von morgen
Prof. Saskia Sassen, Columbia University New York
Denken für die Stadt von morgen. The City as a necessary Solution to Eco Crises.
Cities have multiple articulations with the biosphere. Today these are mostly negative in two major ways. Cities produce ruptures in the biosphere’s continuous flows, and their consumption of biospheric resources is ‘unbiological’ in the sense that they take more than the biosphere can replace. The lecture will be concerned with introducing a third element into this dyad of city and biosphere: scientific and technical capabilities that can be used to begin to redress both of the above negatives by activating biospheric capacities in urbanized settings.
Saskia Sassen is Professor of Sociology and Co-Chair of The Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University. For decades she has been researching and publishing on the relationship between globalization and urban development. Some of her recent books are: Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (2008) or A Sociology of Globalization (2007).
Ort: Aula Schulhaus Hirschengraben, Hirschengraben 47, 8001 Zürich