
This is a debugging block


This is a debugging block


This is a debugging block

8.3.17 | 09.00-19.30 Uhr | Werner Siemens Auditorium, ETH Hönggerberg Zürich

"learning from institutional practices and working tools" - parity talks II

Symposium und Diskussionsanlass zu Fragen der Gender-Parity im Kontext der Ausbildung und des Berufs von Architektinnen und Architekten sowie Planerinnen und Planern.
Symposium and discussion forum surrounding the issue of gender parity within the architectural and planning disciplines.
Bereits zum 2. Mal finden die parity talks an der ETH Zürich statt, organisiert durch die Parity Group am Departement Architektur.


09:00 Welcome by the Parity Group

09:15 “Crafting Parity from the Grassroots”

10:45 Coffee Break

11:15 “Institutional Strategies for Gender Parity”

12:30 Lunch Break

14:00 Statement by Prof. Dr. Sarah Springman, Rector ETH Zurich

14:30 Workshop “Tool-Making”: Roundtables introduced by the Parity Group

16:00 Coffee Break

16:30 FAAC Feminist Art and Architecture Collaborative, hosted by Bing Yang and Luka Travas

17:00 Final discussion “How to implement concrete measures at D-ARCH?“

18:00 Evening Lecture “Understanding discrimination and affecting change in architecture“ by Martha Thorne, Director of the Pritzker Prize, Dean of IE School of Architecture Madrid HIL Auditorium E3

19:30 Apéro - sponsored by NCCR/DFAB